
The sum of digits in a two-digit number is 14. If you double the reversed number and add the result to the original number, the sum would be 222. Find the original number.

Accepted Solution

The original number is  204Explanation: The sum of digits in a two-digit number is 14. If you double the reversed number and add the result to the original number, the sum would be 222. Find the original number. The smallest two-digit number is 10 whereas the greatest two-digit number is 99. In a two-digit number, one digit is placed at ten's place and the other at one's place. Whereas the original examples are the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth.The sum of digits in a two-digit number is 14[tex]8+6 =14[/tex]Double the reversed number[tex]86-68= \frac{ 86-68}{8-6} = \frac{ 18}{2} =9\\[/tex][tex]9*2= 18[/tex]Then add the result to the original number,[tex]18+x=222\\x = 204[/tex]Therefore the original number is 204Learn more about  the sum of digits